You may have been warned that sometimes people secretly slip drugs into other people’s drinks to take advantage of them sexually. These drugs are called date rape drugs. Date rape drugs are used to make a person more vulnerable to sexual assault and easier to attack. Sometimes, one or more drugs are used to distract a person, so they become unaware of what is going on and unable to protect themselves.
Many of these drugs have no color, smell, or taste, and people often do not know that they have taken anything. Many times, people who have been drugged (usually girls or women, but not always) are unable to remember what happened to them.
The Dangerous Three
The most well-known date rape drugs include the following:
- Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) is prescribed to people with sleep and anxiety disorders in other countries, but it is not approved for medical use in the United States. It is commonly called roofies or R-2.
- Ketamine is used during surgical procedures. It may be called vitamin K, cat valium, Kit Kat, or special K.
- GHB, or gamma hydroxybutyric acid, is sometimes prescribed to treat narcolepsy. It is also called cherry meth, liquid E, or scoop.
Less commonly used date rape drugs include: ecstasy, also called Molly, X, and E; LSD, commonly called acid; clonazepam (Klonopin) and alprazolam (Xanax).
What Symptoms Do Date Rape Drug Cause?
When a date rape drug begins to cause symptoms and how long they last depend on how much you are given and whether it’s mixed with alcohol or other drugs. Alcohol can make the effects even stronger. Symptoms of date rape drugs generally include dizziness, confusion, and loss of memory.
The effects are typically felt within 15 to 30 minutes and can last up to several hours.
Date rape drugs are powerful. Rohypnol is a central nervous system depressant or tranquilizer. GHB was formerly used as an anesthetic, and ketamine is a painkiller and anesthetic. In general, they cause drowsiness, slow your heart rate, and have a sedative effect on the body.
The resulting loss of inhibition, impaired judgement, and memory loss are reasons why these drugs are used in rape. They are sometimes called “paralyzing” since the person often loses muscle control and is unable to move or call for help.
Let’s talk about GHB
GHB (also known as cherry meth, scoop, and goop) is a type of drug that acts as a central nervous system depressant and is prescribed for the treatment of narcolepsy (a sleep disorder).
It was developed in the 1960s as an anaesthetic but was discontinued because of its side effects. During the 1980s, it was used as a sleep aid and a supplement for body building.
GHB is a separate but almost identical drug to GBL (gamma-butyrolactone), a substance sold legally as an industrial solvent but which becomes GHB once it enters the body. Together the drugs are known as “G”, and both come in the form of a clear, odourless, oily liquid that is diluted in soft drinks and swallowed.
Although it is sometimes used recreationally and consensually, an increasing number of young people are using it as a substitute for alcohol at parties. GHB can give users a feeling of euphoria and can increase their sex drive. But increasing the dose by a fraction, even less than a millilitre, can be fatal. Overdosing on GHB is particularly easy when it is mixed with alcohol or other drugs. According to BBC, Professor Adam Winstock, consultant psychiatrist and founder of the Global Drug Survey, warns: “It’s a drug that poses huge risks when people are out there trying to use it for fun. If you take one drop extra of GHB, then 20 minutes later you’re unconscious,” he says.
The effects of GHB start in about 15 minutes. And a tiny amount can have a major effect. GHB can cause these symptoms:
- drowsiness and dizziness
- vision problems
- feelings of relaxation
- increased sensuality
- seizures
- memory loss
- sweating
- slow heart rate
- nausea and vomiting
- blackouts
- loss of consciousness
How can you avoid date rape drugs?
If you’re at a party where people are drinking alcohol, you should be aware that there could be predators hoping to make you drunk or vulnerable.
No matter what you’re drinking, even if it’s soda or juice, people can slip drugs in your drinks—so pour all drinks yourself and never leave them unattended (even if you have to take them into the bathroom with you).
Also, be sure to stick with your friends. There’s safety in numbers.
How can someone be tested on GHB?
In just 5 minutes, GHB drug test strips will show you quick and reliable results. If there’s a sufficient amount of specimen and the procedure is followed properly, a positive result will show as a colored band in the control region.
GHB Test Strips Procedure is quite simple. Just follow the next steps:
- Remove the GHB test strip from its sealed pouch. Use immediately.
- Hold the test strip where you can see the label. To avoid contamination, do not touch the strip membrane.
- Then, dip the test strip in the urine specimen for at least 10-15 seconds. Do not immerse past the maximum line (MAX) on the test strip.
- After the test has finished running, remove the strip from the specimen. Next, place it on a non-absorbent flat surface.
- Start the timer and wait for the colored band(s) to appear.
- Finally, read the result at five minutes. Do not interpret the result after 10 minutes.
If you or your loved one needs to check for GHB, check out 12 Panel Now’s GHB drug test strips. On our website you can always find multi-panel cups, and dip cards that include testing for various drugs.
Interested in some other drug tests? Find suitable drug test kits on 12 Panel Now that are CLIA waived and FDA approved unless marked forensic use only.