
Gabapentin GAB Test 

Gabapentin GAB Test Strips

Gabapentin GAB Test Strips

  • Gabapentin GAB Test Stris are simple, fast, and reliable
  • 99% accurate test which detects for the presence of Gabapentin in urine after 2 to 4 days after the last intake (depending on the dose)
  • Easy to read results within 5 minutes
  • Convenient for home use
  • 25 packed strips Included
  • Test Sensitivity is 2000 ng/mL

What Is Gabapentin?

Gabapentin is a prescription anticonvulsant medication commonly known by the brand name Neurontin. Gabapentin is available in a pill, capsule, and oral solution form. This drug has also been used to treat epilepsy and postherpetic neuralgia.

By decreasing abnormal activity in the brain, Gabapentin can prevent seizures and muscle spasms. Also, it may alter how the body reacts to pain signals.

Though Gabapentin is not an opioid, it has been known to enhance the effects of other opioids when taken. It is for this reason that gabapentin use may need to be monitored by a medical professional

The misuse of the drug has caused some to feel effects such as feelings of euphoria and enhanced sociability. Gabapentin GAB Test Strips can be used for potential misuse of this drug.

How to Use a Test Strip

How to read test strip results


Only one colored band appears, in the control region ©. No apparent colored band appears in the test region (T)


Two colored bands appear on the membrane. One brand appears in the control regions © and another band appears in the test region (T).


Control band fails to appear. Results from any test which has not produced a control band at the specified read time must be discarded. Please review the procedure and repeat with a new test. If the problems persist, discontinue using the kit immediately and contact your local distributor.