THC Drug Test – Marijuana Urine Dip Test 50 ng/ml

(6 customer reviews)

$0.85 available on subscription

CLIA WAIVED – Cutoff level
50 ng/ml
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THC Drug Test – Urine Dip Test Features

  • Easy testing: Perform marijuana testing conveniently on your own.
  • Fast results: Get accurate results within 5 minutes.
  • 99% accuracy: Reliable detection of THC based on the 50 ng/ml cutoff level.
  • Same-day shipping.
  • Free shipping: Available on bulk orders of 200+ tests.
  • CLIA Waived.

What is THC?

THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in cannabis. It’s the substance most responsible for the psychological effects that taking Marijuana and CBD have on people.

When someone smokes or takes marijuana orally, THC attaches to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain.

These are located in the areas of the brain associated with learning, memory, pleasure, and time orientation.

This is the main reason for the euphoric effects that marijuana causes when smoking or ingesting it.

How to Use a THC Dip Test?

How To Use Rapid Fentanyl Test Strips
  • First, remove the marijuana dip drug test from the sealed pouch and use it within one hour
  • Second, immerse the test into the urine sample with the arrow pointing towards the urine
  • Third, take the test out after 15 seconds and lay the test flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface.
  • Finally, read the result in 5 minutes  


  • Yields a positive result when the concentration of THC exceeds the 50 cut-off level
  • Detects 11-nor-Δ-THC-9COOH (THCmetabolite)

How to Read THC Drug Test?

Drug Test Strips Positive Result


Only one colored band appears, in the control region ©. No apparent colored band appears in the test region (T)

Drug Test Strips Negative Result


Two colored bands appear on the membrane. One brand appears in the control regions © and another band appears in the test region (T).

Drug Test Strips Invalid Result


Control band fails to appear. Results from any test which has not produced a control band at the specified read time must be discarded. Please review the procedure and repeat with a new test. If the problems persist, discontinue using the kit immediately and contact your local distributor.

Get THC Urine Dip Tests That are Convenient to Use!

12 Panel Now’s THC urine tests enable you to do Marijuana testing with complete ease and on your own. Test results are delivered within minutes!

  • The THC tests provide quick results within five minutes.
  • In addition, our THC testing dips possess a cutoff level of 50 ng/ml.

Some effects of THC

  • Shortened memory
  • Impaired capacity for learning
  • Behavioral disorders

In addition, some people use CBD or Cannabidiol as an herbal supplement to help manage pain and epilepsy. Some medical practitioners, on the other hand, prescribe medical marijuana for these purposes and more.

Why Test for THC In The Workplace?

Everyone wants to enjoy working in a safe, healthy, and drug-free workplace. However, using illicit drugs like marijuana can lower productivity.

Additionally, it can increase the chances of workplace accidents. This is why marijuana drug test kits are becoming most popular within the confines of workplace drug testing.

At Home

Parents and guardians want to ensure the health and safety of their children.  Many would agree that ascertaining that their children will have a secure, successful, and drug-free future is of utmost concern.  For those parents concerned about their child being exposed to marijuana, a THC drug test is a great solution for those individuals.

Clinical Setting

These institutions need to monitor the health and wellness of their patients. As a consequence, they perform random and periodical drug testing that includes marijuana screening.

Furthermore, they want to make sure their patients are adhering to their programs to speed up their recovery.

Government Agencies

Studies show that most crimes are committed under the influence of drugs. That’s why enforcers perform periodical and random drug testing.

Doing so ensures their wards are staying out of drugs and are working towards a better way of life.

Are THC Dip Tests Accurate?

The accuracy of these tests depends on various factors, including the sensitivity of the test, the time elapsed since the last use of marijuana, and the individual’s rate of metabolism. Generally, THC and its metabolites can be detected in urine from a few days to a few weeks after use, with chronic heavy use resulting in a longer detection period than occasional use. THC urine dip tests typically detect the presence of the THC metabolite THC-COOH in the urine.

How to Pass a Drug Test for Marijuana?

THC, the active compound in marijuana, is stored in fat cells and gradually released into the bloodstream, which carries it to the liver for metabolism. THC’s primary metabolite, THC-COOH, is excreted in urine and feces.

Factors influencing the elimination of THC from the body include:

  1. Frequency and quantity of use: Frequent or heavy users will have more THC stored in their fat cells, which can take longer to eliminate completely.
  2. Metabolism: People with faster metabolic rates may eliminate THC more quickly.
  3. Body fat: As THC is stored in fat cells, people with higher body fat percentages may retain THC for longer.
  4. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water can aid in elimination, but drinking excessive amounts in an attempt to dilute a urine sample can result in a “diluted” test result, which might be considered suspicious.
  5. Exercise: While exercise can theoretically help to burn fat cells and thus release stored THC, the increased blood THC levels immediately after exercise may temporarily increase the amount detectable in urine.

How Long After Marijuana Use can THC be Detected with a Dip Test?

The detection window varies depending on factors such as frequency and quantity of use, metabolism rate, and body fat percentage. Generally, THC can be detected in urine for a few days to a few weeks after use. Chronic heavy use results in a longer detection period than occasional use.

How Long Can Marijuana be Detected in Urine?

The detection window for marijuana in urine depends on a variety of factors, including the frequency and quantity of marijuana use, the individual’s metabolism rate, and body fat percentage. This is because tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary active ingredient in marijuana, is fat-soluble and can be stored in fat cells, from which it is gradually released into the bloodstream over time.

Here are some general guidelines, though individual results can vary:

  • For single use: Marijuana might be detectable in urine for up to 3 days.
  • For moderate use (up to 4 times per week): It might be detectable for approximately 5 to 7 days.
  • For daily use: Marijuana might be detectable for about 15 days.
  • For heavy use (multiple times per day): Marijuana might be detectable for 30 or more days, potentially up to 45-90 days in extreme cases.

What is a Marijuana Drug Test?

A marijuana dip drug test, also known as a THC dip test , is a tool used to detect the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or its metabolites in a urine sample. THC is the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana.

What do Marijuana Drug Tests Look for?

Marijuana drug tests look for THC, the active substance in marijuana. It’s what gives a user that “high” weed is famous for.

Weight 0.01 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 2 × 1 in
Drug tested




As low As

As low As



Reviews (6)

6 reviews for THC Drug Test – Marijuana Urine Dip Test 50 ng/ml

  1. finleystorey320

    Very easy to use. I use these to give random drug test to my teenager. I have found they are very accurate

  2. lowe97921

    Worked great. Got here fast. Super easy to use. Definitely would buy again!

  3. rowej7240

    Good product. Instructions could have been a little bit clearer! Other than that, I was very happy.

  4. robertsveronicaj76

    This easy at home test is simply amazing!!! The results are accurate and only took a minute or less for the results to appear!

  5. yoselin

    Best services and products. 12 panle now is highly reliable. Recommend to all.

  6. leonhurstfhgfjvuf76gbv

    This was my first experience with 12 panel that proves really good. All products come in the perfect condition. Thank you so much.

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